Nurjehan Gonseth
Nur's English Language Centre

Telefon B 079 257 11 34

Private lessons

Generally, double lessons are conducted consisting of 45 minutes per lesson. The prices mentioned below cover one lesson of 45 minutes per person.

Private lessons

  • 1 person
    CHF 75.00 (45 minutes)

24 hours notice is expected in the event of a cancellation. Lessons cancelled on the same day of the lessons will be charged the full price, with the exception of illness and emergencies.

Group lessons

  • 2 persons
    CHF 40.00 (45 minutes)

  • 3 persons
    CHF 30.00 (45 minutes)

  • 4 persons
    CHF 25.00 (45 minutes)

For group lessons, 48 hours notice is expected so as to avoid any inconvenience on all sides.

Terms of payment

The fee for 20 lessons (10 weeks) is to be paid in advance.


The prices for Diploma/Certification and Company courses can be found in another category on this webpage.